Located at the foot of the majestic Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, RBCNC began as a small house church in the winter of 2001. The desire was to be distinctively Reformed and Baptistic, something that was and is difficult to find in the Denver/Boulder area of Colorado.
Having been sent out by our brothers and sisters at Harvest Baptist Church, we first met in the house of Peter and Joyce Van Dorn. For three years we met in the country, until a small church in Longmont Colorado came up for rent. Four years later, an opportunity arose for us to move locations again, this time renting from the Rivendell College, a school where students at the University of Colorado at Boulder could take Christian electives for credit. Unfortunately, the school ran into some hard times and three years later they had to sell the old Bethany Baptist Church building in south Boulder. Having a unique history with our sending church, we began renting from our old friends, thereby sharing space with Harvest Baptist where we have been since 2011. 2022 is our 20th year as a church. Pastor Doug Van Dorn has been the pastor since its inception.