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Why would anyone seriously consider using the word "liturgy" in our day an age, especially a Baptist church? Please allow us to explain.


Our church is Reformed. This means that our worship and beliefs arise out of the Protestant Reformation. The two sides of the Magisterial Reformation (Lutheran and Reformed) believed worship should be orderly, simple, and most of all—biblical. They were able to Reform the church in a day when worship generally orderly, but not particularly biblical.


Many people react negatively to the word "liturgy." “Liturgy” is simply another name for an order of worship. Though the word is often associated with Roman Catholicism, the fact is, every church has a liturgy. Even the most “spirit-filled,” extemporaneous churches have some order of service that they follow. We do not believe that our liturgy is the only way to worship God. But we do believe it is a better way than many have tasted in our day.


This is because, rather than seeking to be trendy or culturally driven, we see worship as transcending time and space. God has always glorified Himself. There is a sanctuary in heaven upon which all Christian worship is patterned. This transcendent worship is culture-changing, and therefore always relevant to any age or time.


We do not recite creeds, confess sin, and sing psalms because it makes our grandparents comfortable. We do it because God has told us this is how he wants us to approach him. There are no candles, no ornaments, and no rituals to follow in our order of service, only the simple few acts that the first Christians in Acts 2:42 followed as put into a logical and orderly progression that attempts to emulate in a worship service what every believer’s life should look like throughout the week.


We approach God on his terms, not our own. Yet we do so no only in truth but in Spirit. It is each individual’s responsibility to come before God out of love rather than duty. As you meditate and as you follow together the liturgy, think about the words you say and do not say them unless you believe and delight in Christ and his blessed salvation.


Our Typical Service Order

Call to worship

Prayer of invocation

Hymn of adoration

Hearing from God's law

Prayers of confession

Silent confession

Prayer of repentance

Confessing of our faith

Hymn of worship

Hearing the gospel

Prayer for illumination

Gospel response (Gloria Patri)

Psalm of response

Prayers of intercessions

Preaching of the word

Hymn of preparation


Hymn of response

Tithes and offerings




Weekly Order of Service

Our worship service has very specific things it attempts to do. First, it is a dialogue between God and his people. Throughout the service, God says something, then we respond, then God speaks, then we respond. Second, The basic pattern is law, then gospel. The law teaches us what God requires and helps us gain a proper perspective of our place before a holy being. Then, the gospel comes in and comforts us, because we realize that we have fallen short. We have something in our service that may make some people uncomfortable. It is a time to confess our sins, both corporately and privately. It is our conviction that we here at RBCNC are sinners. We are not perfect people. Perhaps, if the Church began to admit this corporately again, the world might stop thinking of us as pure hypocrites. Instead, we see ourselves as sinners in desperate need of grace. And we thank God that he promises to give it to any and all who trust in Christ as their sole hope of salvation. Every week after the sermon we finish with the Lord's Supper. We do not believe that this gets old (anymore than we believe a sermon or prayer gets old). Rather, we believe it is a means of grace whereby God promises to feed his people. Since we are hungry for more of Christ, we desire to feast at his table often. This has been a great source of refreshment for our people, many of whom grew up having the Supper observed only once a month (at most).

RBCNC Liturgy

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